What I wish I Knew Then, That I Know Now
I wish I knew what it really means to become a nurse when I was in Nursing School.
I wish the various roles in the nursing field were more exposed and less concealed.
I wish I had a nurse who mentored me and groomed my skills so they would be manifested through my talents.
I know these things now. I didn't find out all of them at once, of course. It took a few failures, tears, disappointments, realizations, research, questioning, growth and faith to know what I know now. It's never easy, everyone tends to be awake for a good success story or happy ending but be "sleep" during the struggles. The struggle is the story! I mean would you really watch an Avengers movie if all they showed was the ending part of saving the world? Nah! that would be mad boooring. You want to see the fight, disagreements, the two-faced villains who pretends to be on the team of good but really they LOKI haters ( LOL, like what I did there with the Loki? you can only get this if you are a TRUE Marvel fan). You want to watch for the ACTION, that's what makes the success story. Each action I took brought me to where I am now, the action I took when I failed in nursing school, the action I took when I failed NCLEX, the action I took when decided to give patient care away from the bedside. Every single action I took is what lead me to what I know now and what keeps me discovering so much more.
My graduation photos..i thought i was extra fly with my short hair and big glasses